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API / Transactional


POST /api/tx

Send a transactional message to one or multiple subscribers using a predefined transactional template.

NameData TypeOptionalDescription
subscriber_emailStringOptionalE-mail of the subscriber. Either this or subscriber_id should be passed.
subscriber_idNumberOptionalID of the subscriber. Either this or subscriber_email should be passed.
subscriber_emails[]StringOptionalE-mails of the subscribers. This is an alternative to subscriber_email for multiple recipients. ["", ""]
subscriber_ids[]NumberOptionalIDs of the subscribers. This is an alternative to subscriber_id for multiple recipients. [1,2,3]
template_idNumberRequiredID of the transactional template to use in the message.
from_emailStringOptionalOptional from email. eg: Company <>
dataMapOptionalOptional data in {} nested map. Available in the template as {{ .Tx.Data.* }}
headers[]MapOptionalOptional array of mail headers. [{"key": "value"}, {"key": "value"}]
messengerStringOptionalMessenger to use to send the message. Default value is email.
content_typeStringOptionalhtml, markdown, plain
curl -u "username:password" "http://localhost:9000/api/tx" -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--data-binary @- << EOF
"subscriber_email": "",
"template_id": 2,
"data": {"order_id": "1234", "date": "2022-07-30", "items": [1, 2, 3]},
"content_type": "html"
"data": true

File Attachments

To include file attachments in a transactional message, use Content-Type multipart/form-data. Use the parameters described above as a JSON object via the data form key and include an arbitrary number of attachments via the file key.

curl -u "username:password" "http://localhost:9000/api/tx" -X POST \
-F 'data=\"{
\"subscriber_email\": \"\",
\"template_id\": 4
}"' \
-F 'file=@"/path/to/attachment.pdf"' \
-F 'file=@"/path/to/attachment2.pdf"'