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Help Center

Help center allows you to create a portal and add articles from the chatwoot app dashboard. You can point to these help center portal articles from your main site and display them as your public-facing help center.

How to get SSL certificate for your custom domain

Follow these step to create your Portal. Refer to this guide.

  1. Go to your DNS provider and add a new CNAME record.

    • For the above example, add docs as a CNAME record and point it to the your selfhosted chatwoot domain(FRONTEND_URL).
  2. This will ensure that your CNAME record points to the selfhosted UniLink installation. For your custom domain, we have your portal information. In this case,

Setting up SSL

  1. Use certbot to generate SSL certificates for your custom domain.
certbot certonly --agree-tos --nginx -d ""
  1. Create a new nginx config to route requests to this domain to UniLink. Make a copy of /etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx_chatwoot.conf and make necessary changes for the new domain.

  2. Restart nginx server.

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Voila! is live with a secure connection, and your portal data is visible.

How does this work?

These are the engineering details to understand How does gets the portal data with SSL certificate.

  1. resolves by customers nameserver and redirects to your UniLink domain.
  2. UniLink check for the portal record with custom-domain
  3. Redirects to the portal records for the domain


Now you can have your own help-center, product-documentation related portal saved at UniLink dashboard and served at your domain with SSL certificate.